How to Become a Police Officer in the Northern Mariana Islands?

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The Northern Mariana Islands Department of Public Safety (DPS) is the law enforcement agency in the island. The DPS has its firefighters and police officers to protect the citizens of the Islands. The Commonwealth State Police Division constitutes of three branches, namely the Uniformed Services, the Criminal Investigation Unit and the Tactical Response Enforcement team. Becoming a Police Officer in the Northern Mariana Islands is a three pronged process; candidates will first have to meet the basic requirements and the educational requirements. Lastly, they will have to graduate from a Police Training Department.

Requirements to Become a Police Officer in Northern Mariana Islands
How to Become a Police Officer in Northern Mariana Islands

Requirements to become a Police Officer in the Northern Mariana Islands

Here are some basic requirements to become a police officer in the Northern Mariana Islands. All candidates have to ensure that they meet these requirements.

  • All applicants must be at least 18 years old
  • Must have citizenship of the Mariana Islands
  • Have a valid driver’s license issued by official state authorities
  • Have no felony convictions in the United States of America
  • Have a high school education or equivalent degree e.g. a GED

In addition to these requirements, applicants are expected to follow more specific requirements as well. After meeting the basic requirements, candidates must actively work towards their field of interest by studying for exams.

  • Candidates must pass the Mariana Island Entrance Exam for law enforcement.
  • Candidates must graduate from a Police Training Academy
  • Candidates must finish a field training program for Northern Mariana Islands

Police training academy involves grueling physical training and endurance tests as well as tests for analytical thinking. Because the Island’s Police force is responsible for the protection of its citizens as well as the constitution of the United States of America, these tests are necessary to gauge the ability of the trainees.
Trainees must also give attention to the police departments around them that are open for hiring. After the candidates have passed physical tests and the written law enforcement exam, they may start applying to police departments that are hiring around them.

What is tested in the written law enforcement exam?

All aspiring police officers have to pass a written exam before they apply to a police training institute. The test will include multiple choice questions that assess your analytical skills and problem solving abilities. Most of the multiple choice questions put candidates in real life police situations to test their response.

What do police training academies test?

Generally in the United States, Police Academies test physical agility including the shooting of firearms etc. Applicants are also taught defensive measures, CPR and other basic techniques. Different courses teach different kinds of skills. For example, an introductory course could be about principles and techniques of law enforcement. Other courses about criminology, defense tactics, traffic enforcement etc. are also available. Depending on each applicant’s interest, different courses will hold different value.

How much does a Police Officer make in Northern Mariana Islands?

Police and Sheriff’s Patrol Officers made an annual median income of $61,380 in 2018 in the US. Specific data for Northern Mariana Islands is not available.